The colors

The clearly defined colors of the corporate design have the task of distinguishing the brand image from that of the competitors and visualising the company's brand profile.  

Color values

Specific color values are assigned to each color. Even the smallest deviations can have a strong effect on printing. For this reason, it is important to attend both the exact data and the different color systems.

in-tech orange

RGB: 255 130 0
CMYK: 0 60 100 0
Hex: #ff8200
Special color: Pantone 151 C

dark grey

RGB: 60 60 70
CMYK: 70 60 50 50
Hex: #3C3C46

drivetech blue

RGB: 72 159 223
CMYK: 70 20 0 0
Hex: #489fdf
Special color: Pantone 2171 C


Depending on the application and purpose/final output, it is necessary to work with a different color system. Please also always consider the order of the individual colors to each other.


RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is used for all digital applications on screens.

PowerPoint presentations, graphics for the website or mobile applications, etc. 


CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key) is the color model of the printing technique. 

Contents for print products and advertising material such as flyers, posters, brochures, etc.    


The Pantone color system consists of special colors which cannot be achieved in four-color printing (CMYK).  

high-quality printed products in offset printing

Hexadecimal values

In the system of hexadecimal color definition, the RGB color is represented by three hexadecimal numbers.

Frequently used with HTML source codes